My friend,
You are not the only one.
You are not the only one looking for trouble
Over your monitor's horizon.
You are not the only one typing gibberish into Microsoft Word
A prayer to Babel in Excel.
You are not the only one moving your mouse in endless circles
And Möbius loops.
You are not the only one secretly sitting
With your shoes off
Knowing full well
When it comes down
You might be the first
Because you tripped on your stockings.
You are not the only one who made a mad dash
From the freezer
Containing your frozen low-cal lunch
Same as the other frozen low-cal lunches
All Chinese gluten and frostbite.
You are not the only one with your heart in an envelope
You sit on
You are not the only one trying not to drool
During your weekly pep-talk, afraid you have forgotten
How to make eye
You are not the only one who dreams of snapping all of
Their necks and skipping across their bodies as they
Spray a fountain of blood. It would only be one popcorn ball
South of the Fair.
You are not the only one who repeats
Repeats it every
With a frozen dissociative smile on your face.
My friend,
This is THE IT come now
Though arriving yesterday.
This is the Zombie Apocalypse
And we have forgotten our Karate.